Thursday 2 February 2017

Karnataka Announces 'Initial Manufacturing Operations' of Apple in India but No Deal Yet

The government of Karnataka said on Thursday it welcomed a proposal from Apple tobegin initial manufacturing operations in the state, in a sign the tech company is slowly moving forward with plans to assemble iPhones in the country.

"Apple's intentions to manufacture in Bengaluru will foster cutting edge technology eco system and supply chain development in the state, which are critical for India to compete globally," the government of the south Indian state said in a statement.

"Apple's decision on initial manufacturing in Bengaluru has further enhanced the reputation of Bengaluru as the most preferred destination for foreign investment and further validation of the State Government Policies aimed at fostering manufacturing, innovation and investments in Karnataka," the statement added.

Late on Thursday evening, Priyank Kharge, Information and Technology Minister for Karnataka, said on Twitter, "Glad to announce initial manufacturing operations of the world's most valued company: Apple, in Karnataka". However, by Friday morning, the minister had deleted the said tweet.

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